Simplifying Tax Compliance
3 min read
IT’S TAX SEASON. While many begrudgingly file their details obediently, paying taxes is more than a duty; it is a vital contribution to the nation’s development...
Leaving The Mediocrity Orbit: Seeking Excellence Through Upskilling and Mentorship
3 min read
The sworn enemy of excellence is mediocrity. We may have dreams and aspirations, but the gravitation pull that stems from the fear of failure, complacency or si...

Women Changemakers in Penang's Industry: Breaking Barriers and Driving Innovation
3 min read
WE KNOW THAT women have often been changemakers – but without much fanfare. This widespread underestimation of half of humanity clearly manifests in most indust...
Forward School and PSDC in Partnership to Address Penang’s Digital Skill Shortage
3 min read
BEING A TECHNOLOGY and innovation hub, it may not be altogether a big surprise that Penang is having to deal with an excessive demand for workers with digital s...

Filming the Intangible
3 min read
Film can be a very reflective and evocative medium that captures the uniqueness of a place and its communities. And that is exactly what the Kaki Lima Short Fil...
PSDC Joins Hands with Lam Research to Remedy Skills Mismatches in Penang
3 min read
THE GAP BETWEEN what we learn in school and its practical application is growing. At the same time, career possibilities in today’s highly digitalised world are...